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Reflections Art Program Information

Express Yourself Through Art

Do you enjoy art, music and dance? Or have an interest in writing, photography or producing films? Reflections is a national student recognition program (not an art contest) where students get to express themselves through various art mediums.

Reflections invites K-12 students to create and submit original works of art in 6 categories including dance choreography, literature, music composition, photography, film production and visual arts.

Students may submit entries in more than one art category - and they can even choose to work together with other students (virtually or otherwise) but only ONE student may submit and be recognized as the award recipient. Students that identify as having disabilities may enter in the ‘Special Artist Division’.

Category requirements

Click here to view each category - then download specific PDF for guidelines and category requirements. (note: these are available in English and Spanish)

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Reflections has a theme

This year’s Reflection theme is ‘I Matter Because’ - and calls for student’s personal interpretation of this theme in their submission. Watch a short video from the National PTA President on how our 2020-2021 theme was chosen.

Awards and getting recognized

Every Abbott student will be recognized as a Gold, Silver, Bronze or Copper participant - and top Gold honors from each of the Reflections categories will receive a $25 scholarship and will move forward to compete for state and national recognition and additional awards. 

Due dates

Deadline for students to submit final art is Friday, November 13, 2020.

Student entry form

Click here for your Abbott Reflections 2020-2021 entry form in English and Spanish. Note you will need to upload your piece and your Artist Statement at the same time.

Program rules

To be eligible to participate, students must adhere to the submission details for each category, see “Categories” below. Files will be uploaded through the “Entry Form” link above – pay special attention to the file formats (.pdf, .jpg, .mp3, etc).


Only new pieces of artwork inspired by the current year’s theme may be submitted.


Each entry must be the original work of one student only. An adult may not alter the creative integrity of a student’s work. Because the program is designed to encourage and recognize each student’s individual creativity, help from an adult or collaboration with other students is not allowed. Other individuals may appear in or perform a student’s work, but the work itself must be the creative product of one student only. Only one student may be recognized as the award recipient for each entry.


Each entry may contain a title and all entries must include an artist’s statement. The artist statement (at least 10 words and not to exceed 100) communicates what inspired the work, how it relates to the theme, and the content of the work. This is very important to judging the work–so take your time! Be sure to type your statement in a Google doc or Word document and copy paste it into the entry form for submission.


Use of copyrighted material is prohibited, except for background music in dance choreography and film production entries. If used in dance choreography and film production entries, background music must be cited on the entry form. Plagiarized entries will be disqualified. Use of PowerPoint templates prohibited.

Recap in four easy steps

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Have questions?

Email or contact Shari Meyers 650-703-6890

BTW, PTA is Celebrating over 50 years of the Reflections Art Program watch here.

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